Lavender Latté
1 teaspoon of 100% Taro root powder (for colour)
15ml lavender syrup (see recipe below)
1 cup steamed milk
- Add the taro root powder to a glass and spritz with water.
- Add the lavender syrup and mix well with the taro root powder until smooth. If adding any other flavours, now is the stage to combine.
- Top with steamed milk and enjoy.
Lavender Syrup
1 cup water
3 tablespoons Bridestowe gourmet Culinary Lavender
2 cups sugar
- Add Culinary Lavender to room temperature water and bring to a boil
- Once boiling, add in sugar and stir
- Once the sugar has dissolved, reduce to low to medium heat, and allow to infuse for 10-15 minutes or until fragrant
- Remove from heat and leave the lavender buds in the syrup while it cools off
- Once cool enough to store, strain the lavender buds
- Keep refrigerated in a sealed bottle for 1-2 weeks